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Incident at Cedar Avenue Transit Station Involving Knife Leads to Disorderly Conduct Citations

APPLE VALLEY, MINNESOTA—On the afternoon of Tuesday, July 9th, 2024, a knife incident at the Cedar Avenue transit station led to the issuance of disorderly conduct citations for two individuals. Officers were dispatched to the scene at 14614 Cedar Avenue at 12:33 PM after a witness reported seeing two males engaged in a heated argument on the platform.

Upon arrival, officers observed a man [Subject 1] holding a knife in his right hand. The other individual [Subject 2] stood nearby with his hands at his side. Responding Apple Valley Officers instructed Subject 1 to drop the knife, which he did before stepping away. An Apple Valley Sergeant arrived shortly after that and separated the two men, taking Subject 2 to a different area for questioning while officers spoke with Subject 1.

According to a police report from the Apple Valley Police Department, Subject 1 stated he had been shopping at Savers in Apple Valley, taking advantage of a senior discount. While waiting at the bus stop to return to the Mall of America, Subject 1 stated he was approached by Subject 2, who asked for a cigarette. It was reported that Subject 1 refused, prompting Subject 2 to threaten him with a knife allegedly. In response, Subject 1 claimed that he then brandished his knife. Subject 1’s account indicated that Subject 2 initially displayed his knife from a small belt bag but quickly put it away.

The report states that Apple Valley Officers also noted a liquid substance on Subject 1's shirt, which Subject 1 states came from when Subject 2 spat on him. He reported feeling intimidated by Subject 2's aggressive demeanor and physical posturing. Subject 1 reportedly said he was a former boxer and felt the need to defend himself despite his advanced age.

In a follow-up recorded statement, the report states that Subject 1’s account remained largely consistent. However, he reportedly later struggled to recall the sequence of events regarding who brandished a knife first. Subject 1 maintained he did not spit on Subject 2 and cooperated fully with the officers, acknowledging the necessity of his citation for disorderly conduct. Apple Valley Sergeant Marben, Officer Thelen, and Sergeant Gerving conducted further interviews with Subject 2, the witness, and reviewed surveillance footage from Metro Transit, according to the police report.

According to the witness statement, they saw Subject 2 standing over Subject 1 in what appeared to be a heated conversation. They observed Subject 1 motioning for Subject 2 to leave and then saw Subject 1 draw a knife from his right front pocket, gripping it with the blade pointed behind him. The witness stated they could not hear the conversation, and their view was interrupted as traffic began to move again. Metro Transit surveillance footage reviewed by officers provided additional insights into the incident. According to the police report, the video showed Subject 1 sitting on a pillar at the transit station, smoking a cigarette when Subject 2 approached him. Subject 1 gestured at Subject 2, and the two engaged in an animated conversation. At one point, Subject 1 stood up and pulled a knife from his right front pocket, followed by Subject 2 drawing a knife from his fanny pack. The two men continued to argue, waving their arms while holding the knives. The footage also showed both men spitting at each other and repeatedly re-approaching one another, neither appearing to back down or show fear. The video then shows officers eventually arrived and separated the two men.

Both men were cited for disorderly conduct and released from the scene as neither attempted to de-escalate the situation, despite both claiming self-defense. The knives involved were documented and uploaded to the SAFE system. Subject 2’s knife, which was reported to be an approximate 4-inch bladed Charcuterie knife, was confiscated and destroyed by the police department. Subject 1 was advised against publicly displaying his knife, which he then stowed back in his pocket.

Written by: Will Wight
Photo by Scott Rodgerson on Unsplash

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