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Centralia's 5th Annual Pumpkin Festival

CENTRALIA, MISSOURI - The city of Centralia, Missouri, held its 5th Annual Pumpkin Festival on Saturday, October 21st. The festival is held at the city square and brings thousands every year.

Our own Sara Bruce stopped by Centralia Square and interviewed Robert Wright from Fat Boyz Kettle Corn, where she got the scoop on the ones who started it all! According to Mr. Wright, they started the festival five years ago when they wanted one more event to sell popcorn at. It happened to be Fall when the idea came together, so they started the Pumpkin Festival, and he says it just took off from there.

The festival features over 100 local vendors and live performers, and all the activities and games are free for the kids. You can check out Sara's interview and scenes from the 5th Annual Pumpkin Festival below!

Related stories: 32nd Annual Hartsburg Pumpkin Festival: Missouri's Pumpkin Patch

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