Don't forget to clear your fire hydrants, gas meters, and vents!

Following the heavy snow the Twin Cities saw over the last couple of days amounting to a whopping 15.0" of snow officially at the Minneapolis-St Paul International Airport, the Minnesota State Fire Marshall and Minnesota Department of Public Safety want to remind everyone also to clear out their fire hydrants while they clear their driveways and sidewalks.

When the fire department arrives at an active fire scene, the last thing they want to worry about is digging out your fire hydrant wasting valuable minutes that could be spent extinguishing the fire in your home. According to the Department of Public Safety, a fire can double in size every 60 seconds, so getting water on that fire as fast as possible is key to saving your home. If you can't see your fire hydrant, it is essential to dig it out today!

The State Fire Marshal recommends clearing out a zone around the fire hydrant that is about 3 feet wide. Then it is recommended to clear a path from the fire hydrant to the street. If you are not able to do it yourself, they recommend contacting a neighbor and asking them for assistance in getting the fire hydrant cleared. Several area cities also have a program called "Adopt-A-Hydrant" where residents are encouraged to "Adopt-A-Hydrant" or two in their neighborhoods or near their homes to make sure they are clear of snow and accessible.

Additionally, the Department of Public Safety would also like to remind people to clear their exhaust vents for their outdoor furnace dryer, fireplace, and oven and to also clear snow around their gas meters. If your vents are blocked CO won't be able to ventilate away from your home and can cause you and your family to get carbon monoxide poisoning. You should clear your gas meters as well because, during an emergency or fire, fire crews need to turn the gas off in your home. If it is buried and they can't find it, they will once again be wasting valuable time having to dig it out.

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