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Ooofta, It’s Gonna Get Hot In The Twin Cities

TWIN CITIES - After a long, cold, and almost record-breaking winter in the Twin Cities, the heat has decided to show its face here with a vengeance. This week, particularly Tuesday through Thursday, will have the chance of seeing temperatures get into the 100s across the Twin Cities. According to the National Weather Service Twin Cities, we have only hit 100F degrees or higher seven times in the last 150 years in August! The last time we hit 100F here in August was in 1988!

Today and Monday will have some relief from the oppressive heat, but come Tuesday the heat index could be cranking up well into the 100s. The good news about this heatwave is that it doesn’t look to last that long. By Thursday night a cool airmass from Canada will swing our way and give us some much-needed relief from the heat! Usually with this kind of juicy atmosphere, we have a chance for storms, but with this set up it doesn't look like any major storm systems will work into our next of the woods this time with much of the activity staying north across Northern Minnesota.

Heat is the number one weather-related killer in America, if outdoors it's a good idea to take lots of breaks and stay hydrated. For some who don’t have A/C or ways to cool down, Hennepin County and Ramsey County have created awesome sites that show where you can go to cool down, here is the link:

Hennepin County:

Ramsey County:

The Great Minnesotan Get-Together starts on Thursday, August 24th. It is still too a little too early to say what kind of weather we will have, but this ridge of high pressure looks to break down. If the ridge does break down, that would give us a chance at seeing rain and storms as we close out August and possibly some cooler weather, but there is uncertainty between model guidance at that range.

Written by: Markie Kelly

Markie has been a long-time resident of the Twin Cities with his family owning a local pizza business. Markie studied criminal justice in Minnesota and is an avid breaking news journalist. You can follow Markie on his Twitter!

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