Toasty temps are possible for the Twin Cities

TWIN CITIES - While this is still a few days out, there is a chance around Tuesday of next week that we could see temperatures in the upper 80s to low-mid 90s. Add in dewpoints in the mid to upper 60s, and we could see heat indices flirting with 100F on Tuesday! Thankfully, a cold front is forecast to push across the region late Tuesday into Wednesday which will help bring some temporary relief across the Twin Cities, but by next week we could see another warm spell possibly work across the region once again.

In the above two images, you will see the forecast High temperature for Tuesday around noon. The second image is the forecasted Heat Index for Tuesday around noon. Both of these images were taken from the ECMWF model. This is still a few days out and the forecast could still change some, but some toasty temperatures are still expected on Tuesday.

Heat Safety Reminders!

With the return of the heat, we want to remind everyone about some heat safety tips to keep you, your loved ones, and your pets safe! Please do not ever leave your children or pets in your unattended vehicle even if the winds are cracked. Especially with temperatures nearing the upper 80s to low 90s, it will take less than 10 minutes for temperatures in your car to easily get over 100F.

Additional Pet Safety Tips

Leaving your pets in a hot vehicle isn’t the only thing to worry about, hot pavement temperatures can also hurt your furry friends. The second graphic below talks about the impacts of hot asphalt pavement on your pets and how to prevent such injuries from occurring. The best “rule of paw” is to use your hand to test the pavement temperature. If you can’t put the back of your hand on the pavement for 5-7 seconds, then it is too hot for your pet’s paws. If the air temperatures range between 87-102F, asphalt temperatures could range between 143-167F.

If you must walk your pet, try to walk them in the grass, get them a pair of booties, or try to do it early in the morning or late in the evening!

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Excessive Heat Warning for Twin Cities


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